Saturday, October 9, 2010

Be the Change

"Be the change that you want to see in the world" - It is not just saying written in a book or uttered in a speech. It is by the great man of the last century Mahatma Gandhi who not only said this but also proved through his life. Yes his life was his message!

We all talk, discuss and write about many things that we wish a change! We want a world free of corruption and exploitation, a world with peace and sustainable development that care for the environment. But are we ready to act upon what we talk?

When I talk about the exploitation of labour, what about people under my authority or power? When I am angered by the speeding motorists that make roads dangerous, what about the ticket that I got for over speeding last week? When I curse those who parked their car on footpath that created inconvenience for the pedestrians, do I remember when did I park on a footpath last time? How can I dream of a corruption free world, If I indulge in giving bribe to get things done.

When I speak volume about global warming and climate change, do I leave my car when I can conveniently use public transport or even walk? What about number of plastic bags that I collect from the hypermarkets for each one or two things? Am I ashamed of carrying a jute bag for my grocery shopping?

Yes, what do you do yourself for those things that you wish to see a change in? We say that the world should change, the people should change, but what about you and me? You thought what change can be brought if you alone do something for it? Then see the power of one!

We have many examples where one man could bring the change! Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Theresa, Nelson Mandela and so on! Don't think they are extra ordinary people, it has nothing to do with ourself! Look around you, you will find a few people who have dared to act up on their consciousness. When you do this, you will attract people who also join with you which will bring the change in your surroundings and may spread even further!


  1. Changes Should come from our part.
    i am trying for better changes that will help me the whole world change.
    all the very best musthafa ... nice ... expecting more from you.


  2. Change need to be done without expectations of any sort of returns. That is when it is prone to catch fire. But, we adults grow with expectations from the world and even GOD. Thus we lack that intensity of change. The video of the kid pushing the fallen trunk explains it all.
